Saturday, 24 March 2012

* Dream : Cream * :D :D

All set for an excursion,our whole class.We arrived at a temple,Imn't sure if it was a temple,but some marble structure,very intricately carved,reminded me of Taj for a second. I don't remember having a look at yamuna ,so its definetely not the Taj!

We couldn't go in coz the doors were locked,we couldn't see what was inside either ,it was too dark and wasn't a see through structure. What was inside remained a mystery!
                  I was very excited to capture the surroundings,but couldn't get a wider glimpse as we moved on..
    P.S - I remember getting just one click of the beautiful white sculpture in a frame of pink paper flowers!
Then we headed to explore further,we found two hugeee glass bowls gleaming in the sunshine,the bowls looked as big as they could easily serve a 100 with what ever was filled inside.When we went closer,we realised one was filled with vanilla and the other with strawberry extract! :D The moment we knew it ,we jumped into the air just like the kindergarten's!

Then the next adventure - Sports,I dont really know if what we did should be called a sport :p
                      Our task was to go up a slope crawling , only then could we reach the next location!While we were half way through, silver and gold bars started shooting at us, out of the slope, obstructing our path :p we couldn't manage ,all of a sudden all of us collapsed at once! Then the journey started again ,this time clever enough to avoid the obstructions by crawling beside ,beneath & above the metal bars! Finally the hurdle came to an end :D ;p ;)
                  Now we were in a shopping paradise!! Sooo many stalls, all of them so colourful and pretty :) then some shady figure appeared, announcing  we had time only till lunch.
                        We were passing through a shop full of colourful stuff, suddenly my friend stopped glaring at a kadai full of yellow colour (holi colours)! She was so fascinated with the colour, she wanted to get some.
   I was standing right beside wondering why she wanted colours at the moment,coz i remember holi got over just a few days ago :p
(P.S Then it striked that logics and dates don't work in dreams :p)
and after lots of gossip with the stall lady we also got some gyan about how the colour was made (all colours at the stall were apparently organic and made out of stuff thats grown in the Amazon forest) she mentioned fewflowers and leaves out of which each colour was extracted.The shady figure appeared again,reminding us the time limit!
                    Now, the next stall was something that swept me of my feet,it was an italian pot painting shop, on display - was an amazing collection of pots.. there were even courses available to learn the art.. the shady figure appeared again,i remember hitting it with a stick near by :p it vanished!
               We headed for lunch discussing about everyones shopping :D we stepped out of the cart ,and it was a sight too delightful, the surroundings looked as if a colourful carpet was spread all around, full of flowers and butterflies! we could hear the birds chirping ,while walking into a hut!
We finished lunch watching the ducks swimming in the lake beside our hut. :) 
                   Some of our friends were still immersed in enjoying the food..while we set off to explore the place.There were two roads when we stepped out of our little hut.. we tossed a coin to choose one( the coins in the valley showed flowers,the value of the coin depended on the type of flower) and we choose the left..we walked walked and walked enjoying the valleys ,mountains, clouds, light shimmers ,tea gardens ,coffee plantations.. wondering if where on earth we were.
                  Reminded that i havent clicked for a long time,i started to search for my camera all over.Atlast i found it but the battery was totally down :( managing some 15 (I actually remember the exact number) frames we started to walk ahead. After a little walk we saw a waterfall down the valley.. couldn't walk any more as our batteries were low this time.Stopped a cart going that way and got into it enjoying the scenic location.
              And now I hear some faint familiar music - exactly similar to my alarm tone,opening my eyes I figure out that my mom switched my fan off.(thats the only way one can ever wake me up & my mom knows the trick the best! Coz generally no alarm is powerful enough to interrupt my sleep)

MORAL : Dreams can be mesmerising.
P.S : My imagination has no bounds.It takes me to places I haven't been before. :p

~ i : me : myself!! :)


  1. Yellow?? Sounds like me :-P
    Whhaaat dream amma :-P
    N may I share some gyan I read somewhere......
    Dreams can be fulfilled only if we wake up....otherwise they remain as dreams ;-) :-P

  2. And u r "capturing moments" even in ur dreams :-P
    N the person acting as a timer reminds me of one of our sir (cant name him here ;-) )

  3. dreams reffered here are fantasies!!
    imnt talkin abt mba ms dreams,theyl'l be fullfilled only if we wake up :P not fantasies :P

    thatsss whaatttt, i was surprised when i actually remembered how the frame was :)
    yes the shady figure is whom you think it is! perfectly right ;p
