Saturday, 16 June 2012

O_o Obtuse Angle! :D

 History (meaning "knowledge acquired by investigation") is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events.

Knowledge acquired by investigation :)

I never looked at it that way..i just read this over wiki today,after a great movie!
yes movie.. visual illustrations have a very great impact on me. (from shinchan to history :p)
History was never boring ,i always enjoyed history @schooling not the first and second world wars but archeology department.

          Archaeology, is the study of human activity, primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data that they have left behind, which includes artifactsarchitecturebiofacts and cultural landscapes.

Artifacts,architecture, yes! Human activity, yes again!
people with historical backgrounds,people who reason stuff,people who actually spend their time thinking! 
I prefer history that's popped with little mystery :)
Its amazing how a single detail can change the way you perceive things,till date whenever i was remembered of history only the civil wars popped up ,but now it's so much more!
So much so that i started investigating about courses that i could take up in it!
How interesting things turn with just a different look at them!
Fine arts - my new fever!
I'm an engineer I'm a doctor I'm a lawyer! How boring !! huh!

I'm a photographer,I'm an archeologist,I'm an architect,I'm an art restorator,I'm a graduate in culinary arts,I'm a horticulturist ,I'm a violinist! (the list goes on and on..)  W.O.W they sound fantabulous!

P.S- The world would be a better place if more people let themselves be energized by their natural enthusiasms. :)